The academic community should hold activities that provide a broader understanding of the scientific aspect; this is what prompted the History Study Program (Prodi) Student Association (HMP) of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), as well as the History Student Forum (FMS), to initiate Sanskrit activities. Sanskrit is a yearly regular activity of FMS, and this year’s finale is that FMS hosted a Talkshow named “Aji Digdaya Sejarah Sastra” [Aji Digdaya History of Literature] on Saturday morning (18/11/2023) at the FIB UNS Seminar Room.

The 2023 Sanskrit Contact Person, Fauzan, explained that the aim of this talk show was to provide students with a more nuanced perspective of history. Meeting through the Wahtsapp app, Fauzan accentuated that the topic selection was intended to convey to the academic community that history has the power to craft an excellent future. “Let me plan to understand the choice of diction; ‘aji’ means ‘feeling’ and ‘digdaya’ as ‘strong’, thus we can deduce that there is a strong feeling in literary history or the power of historian. “History is a construction of the past that can be used as an instrument to build the future,” he added.

The activity invited Dani Saptoni (Solo Societeit) and Farco Siswiyanto Raharjo, S.Sos., M.Si. (Javanica Solo). Dani Saptoni discusses in detail about a social movement aimed at reviving history. According to Dani, if a community gathers to learn about or discuss history, the forum will serve as a ray of light for the community, sparking an understanding of history that will be replicated in many other communities.

Farco, a Lecturer at Slamet Riyadi University and Javanica Solo Coordinator, led a talk about legendary mythology in Java. Farco carefully draws logical relevance of various Java myths. The activity concluded with a question-and-answer session, followed by a group photo session. This talk show program consisted of students from the history department both inside and outside FIB UNS.

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